1-Bedroom Apartments in Tigard, Oregon

Immerse yourself in a community that blends comfort, functionality, and sustainability with The Steward’s one-bedroom apartments in Tigard, Oregon. Each apartment offers spacious rooms, high-quality finishes, and state-of-the-art appliances. Enjoy exclusive amenities like designated media viewing and work areas, a gourmet kitchen, and secure garage parking. Our eco-friendly approach means you can live sustainably without sacrificing comfort; you’ll enjoy features like dedicated EV charging spots for your EV or PHEV vehicle, where your reserved and dedicated parking and charging is assured. The Steward invites you to experience urban living with a conscious touch.  Make The Steward your home and elevate your lifestyle.

Learn more about our one-bedroom apartments in Tigard, Oregon, by browsing our floor plans, or get in touch today for a virtual tour of our luxury apartments. 

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